A family affair

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This Saturday, we spent the afternoon at Nana and Grandpa Hudson's house. Aunte Lauren and Uncle Ben brought cousin Margot along, of course, and great aunte Mary and great grandma Kermode were there, along with Aunt Dianna, Sam, Devon and Alan. Aunte Dianna's sister, Coral and her husband Tom were also there.

Grandpa made a delicious ham and we all enjoyed each others company. It was fun seeing how much Margot has grown and what a doll she is! I really expected Zander to want to play with her more, but I think there was just too many pretty, shiny things to try and get into the whole time we were there. The day consisted mostly of sitting down to try and visit and hopping back up every 3 to 5 minutes to run after a child. Zander's favorite hangout quickly became the bottom of the Christmas tree where Nana hung all the candy canes.

Even though our immediate family of 5 do not celebrate the holidays, it was very nice of Nana to set aside a special day just for us that was not all about Christmas. It was just for us family to get together and enjoy ourselves and each other. We had a great time. Nana did alot of work to get everything ready and we really appreciate that she also had to do it all over again for Christmas with her family. So thank you Nana, for your kindness and all your hard work.

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